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April 5, 2019

A little story from the wedding

WIBTA if I don't pay for and attend my stepdaughter's destination wedding after she decided that her bio dad who was never involved in her life should walk her down the aisle?

I've been in my stepdaughter's life since she was 2. My wife divorced her husband because he was abusive. He went to prison for that. But even after he served his sentence, he was never involved in my her life.

She's getting married next month. She always wanted to have a destination wedding in Mykonos, Greece. We decided that I'd help them pay for the wedding. Unfortunately, she lost a lot of money recently and I decided to pay for the wedding. Her fiance is helping, but it's not much. I love her and nothing would make me more happy.
Yesterday, she told me that she wanted her bio dad to walk her down the aisle. She told me that he's a changed man and he deserves a chance and she'd try to accommodate me elsewhere. I'm really hurt by her decision. I was really looking forward to walking her down the aisle. My wife thinks that we should not pay for the wedding anymore. She also thinks we should not attend the wedding. I think I agree with her reasoning. But if I don't pay, she won't have her destination wedding. AITA here?
Edit: As some of you have suggested, I'll pay for the wedding, but I wont attend. I don't think my wife will attend and I think I should stay with her.

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